Introduction Holiday Blues, also known as Post-Holiday Depression, is a feeling of sadness, loneliness, and anxiety after the holiday season has subsided. Holiday Blues vs Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Holiday Blues is not an insignificant condition. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) about 24% of people with...
How To Calm Down At Work: 5 Tips On Anxiety
Who is W4TWP
WELLNESS FOR THE WORKPLACE (W4TWP) Mission—W4TWP is committed to improving the quality of health of individuals, organizations, communities, and populations by using evidence-based treatment recommendations and integrated wellness strategies to improve workplace health. Preventative health activities includes screenings, check-ups, and patient counseling to prevent illnesses, diseases, or other health problems..
EAP Enhancement Services
Employees are the backbone of any organization, and the state of their health is essential to the organization's sustained growth and longevity. EAPs are not just a sound financial investment in workers' health but also a strategic move for increasing and maintaining organizational profit. Harvard University says that for every...
THE COST OF HAVING UNHEALTHY EMPLOYEES Organizations are usually proud of their ability to offer innovative and modern health and wellness programs. These programs are chosen carefully in the hope that they will help retain and attract the best employees. Clinical studies continually show that health improvements from health and...
The New Dynamics of Workplace Health – What Employees and Employers Need To Know in 2023
One of the significant influencers of productivity in any organization is its employees' health. Many businesses recognize this and invest in their workers' health as part of their business growth strategy. Yet, there is a vital aspect of employee wellness that your company might be overlooking. This oversight might be...